4 gift

kita selalu persoalkan tentang org2 yang easily being forgiven..aku rasa setiap dari kita mesti penah dengar ini "ko ni bodo la senang2 je ko maapkan dia"..are we really a looser,when we forgive someone? the answer would be definitely NO.

mcm entry before, aku selalu peringat diri aku, "do not let the emotional beat you rational". Kalo Dia yang Maha Berkuasa pun Pemaaf, apa lagi kita penumpang kat dunia Dia ni.
We cannot expect His forgiveness unless we forgive those who did wrong to us. As simple as that pada aku. tak payah nak bergrudge2. you'll get nothing in return other than headache.
betul, we human do have feeling. marah is one on the list. but this is reality, life so called.

di riwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah ra, bahawasannya Rasulullah saw bersabda:

Musa bin Imran as, berkata:
Wahai Tuhanku diantara hamba-hamba-Mu, siapakah orang yang paling mulia dalam pandangan-Mu ?
Allah Azza Wajalla menjawab,
“ Orang yang memaafkan walaupun ia mampu membalas." ( HR. Imam Baihaqi )

so people do forgive others because in return, there are four gift waiting for you:
tranquility,freedom, happiness, 'rahmah'

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