Name it


I wonder and ponder
upon this relationship
I hardly address it

I'm thinking and I'm guessing
What should i call it
What should i name it

'Friend' came across
yet friend does not meet timely
and does not share many

So I jump to 'Platonic Friend'
though, a single man and a single lady
does not sounds platonically

I choose 'Best Friend" instead
thus, a 28th lad and 26th miss
who are looking for partnership
are not easy to be in this

I don't ask or hope for any
Not any
Just asking what it would be

'my kind of boy'


if you are a guy- post this as 'my kind of girl.'

if you are a girl- post it as 'my kind of boy'.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

extra marks for those with it

2. Smart?

good for the gens

3. Preferred age?

i don't want to be in the early 30, alone

4. Preferred height:

i'am 5'4, so 5'4½ onwards

5. How about sense of humor?

enough with jokes that make sense

6. How about piercings?


7. Accepts you for who you are?


8. Pink hair?


9. Mushy or no?

dugh.i prefer moshi moshi

10. Thin or fat?

just fair enough

11. Black, Brown or White (skin colour)

Malays are yellow rite?

12. Long hair or short hair?

no chad kroeger look please

13. Plastic or metal?

i didn't get u

14. Smells good?


15. Smoker?

i don't want to be the second hand smoker

16. Drinker?

a big NO

17. Boy-next-door type?

not too innocent lah

18. Muscular?

six pack?

19. Plays piano?

an asset though

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

no issues

21. Plays violin?

cello looks better

22. Sings very good?

i'm not able to distinguish differences in musical pitch

23. Vain?

ayoo no life lah

24. With glasses?

i need an eagle eye

25. With braces?

o my gucci

26. Shy type?

shy, yet confident

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?


28. Active or passive?

tennis needs two players

29. Tight or bomb?


30. Singer or dancer?

better be singer

31. Stunner?

my jealousy is quite high

32. Hiphop?

2010 masih hiphop

33. Earrings?

like elton john?

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends/boyfriends-until-you-drop?


35. Dimples?

most welcome ngeee

36. Bookworm?

good for the gens either

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

enough with text

39. Flirt?

i had enough before

40. Poem writer?

i am bad in literature

41. Serious?

i believe, every adult man need this

43. Painter?

i wear canvas not hang them

44. Religious?

where Allah puts a full stop, don't put a question mark.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

not too much la

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

come on grow up

47. Speaks 20 languages?

easy for vacation

48. Loyal or faithful?


49. Good kisser?

later issue

50. Loves children?

not the pedophile


alhamdulillah suku abad sudah, i'm blessed =)

years come birthday present paling bermakna bagi aku adalah
wisdom word dari kawan-kawan yg sgt amat nak aku share;

1. "kita tgk rumput org hijau, org pulak tgk rumput kita hijau"

intipatinya, kata kawan aku semua Allah bagi rezki bagi nikmat bagi kelebihan
cuma lain org berbeza tempat dan caranya sbb tu kita duk rasa
org tu lebih aku kurang org tu banyak aku sikit rupanya org tu ckp
the same thing, sedangkan Allah Maha Adil.

2. "dah habis spm, soalan nya bila nak sambung belajar kat mana course apa?
bila dah habis belajar, soalan nya bila nak keje kat mana gaji berapa?
bila dah keje, soalan nya bila nak khawin org mana keje apa?
bila dah khawin, soalan nya bila nak ada anak plan ke tak sedia ke?
bila dah ada anak, soalan nya bila nak tambah kakak tak nak adik ke?
bila dah ada family yang complete, bila nak beli rumah nak duk kuarters je ke?"

intipatinya, kata kawan aku, org termasuk aku akan sering bertanya soalan-soalan sebegini
dengan hasrat menunjukkan caring, yet semua ni kan rahsia Allah, janji Allah juga
pasti dia selalu ckp ajal, maut, jodoh, pertemuan semua ditangan Allah..
tapi nasib baik tade yang daring lagi tanya bila nak mati? kan?

3. " selagi kau percaya dengan takdir tak kan ada istilah frust dalam hidup kau"

initipatinya, kita selalu bersedih luka jika sesuatu yg kita ingini dan hajati
kita tak dapat..jadinya kata kawan aku, kalo kita redha dan set mind that Allah has destined
the best for me and things happen for reasons, well insyaAllah there's no such thing as
frustrated or depression. =) ngeeee

4. " setahun dah keje at least kene ade saving half year punya gaji"

intipatinya, kawan aku kata, " ko kena simpan duit ina" tu je omaigod~~

banyak lagi kata2 manis dari kawan2 di hari lahir, alhamdulillah maxis yang sentiasa
bagi free call masa birthday telah memudahkan aku untuk bertanya khabar kawan2
yang dah lama tak dihubungi yang juga pengguna tegar maxis..byk lagi nasihat-nasihat
yang aku dapat sepanjang perbualan dengan mereka2 yang tak larat aku nak catat..
thanks a lot for those who wish and pray for me..

cuma a bit sedih bila mana, this is the last birthday yang will be in Ramadhan Kareem, next
year Syawal pula..masih bersyukur sbb nya diberi tiga tahun berturut2 untuk sambut birthday
dalam bulan mulia bulan barakah... moga bertemu 26 amin~



pegi, balik, gado, baik, suka, sedih, banyak, sikit, susah, senang
tup tup setahun..uishh masa sungguh pantas
alhamdulillah..semua jadi dalam bulan barakah =) ngeee
semoga rahmah dan barakah ni berkekalan insyaAllah

apa yang aku boleh kongsi

"as-sabr jamil"
memang betul

"doa itu senjata muslim"
memang betul

"Allah paling tahu yang terbaik"
memang betul

~ramadhan kareem~